Wear That PARKA

Not sure why, but it seems this particular clothing item can only generate one of two reactions: people either hate it or are totally in love with it.
I easily fall into the second category. I think it's easy to wear, cool, comfortable and perfect for autumn.

Here's a collection of my fav looks:


  1. nice. great inspiration.

  2. wow! i'd forgotten how cool the parka looks! I am oficially declaring it my fave coat/jacket for autumn! Your pics are the best. Also i think ur right, it does get that hate it or love it reaction. I for one LOVE it! Great post! Thanks for checking out my blog and for the comment and support! i love ur blog too, and will keep on reading you so keep the posts coming :) keep in touch, dana cristina xoxo

    1. thank you, will keep on reading you too!
      have a lovely, fashionable day :)


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